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Are youth groups allowed?
Can I bring my dog or other pets?
Do I rent the entire accommodation?
Do I have the entire accommodation just for me?
How can I see the price and the availability of a property?
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Information about Convid-19 / Coronavirus
Information about Covid-19 / Coronavirus
How and when do I find out if my booking request has been confirmed?
How and when do I know that my booking has been confirmed?
How can I book?
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Can I pay upon arrival?
Can I use a different payment method?
Which payment methods are there to choose from?
Check in & out
Where can I find the exact address of the accomodation?
How can I contact the landlord?
What is included in the final price?
How to organise the arrival at the property
Is it possible to cancel my booking?
How can I cancel my booking?
Is it possible to have free cancellation conditions?
According to what criteria does Holidu select the search results?
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How does Holidu work?
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How can I advertise my properties on Holidu?