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Where can I find the exact address of the accomodation?
On the map of each property detail page, you will be able to see the location of the accomodation. After booking, our partner will provide you with all the information you need to prepare for your arrival. You will then have the address of the property and/or its coordinates. For data protection reasons, the exact address of the property will be sent only after the payment. If your arrival date is approaching and you still do not have this information, please contact the property managers. You will find their contact details in our confirmation email. If we can still be of any assistance, please contact us via online contact form and we will help you!
How to organise the arrival at the property
In many of the properties you will find on Holidu, the hosts are responsible for handing over the keys and welcoming you to the property. On these occasions, the agency will provide you with their contact details prior to your arrival, so that you can arrange the key handover with them. Some of our partners we work with, in addition to managing the properties and their bookings, also take care of the key handover. So on these occasions, contacting the owners is not possible, but don't worry! Any information you need to organise your arrival can be arranged with our partner. If you have any doubts about this, you will always find the contact details of the agency in the Holidu confirmation email that we sent you on the day you booked the property. Contact them and they will provide you with all the information you need. If you need our help, please contact us via online contact form. We will be pleased to assist you!
Frequently asked questions
Is Holidu also available as an app?
Can I bring my dog or other pets?
What should I do if I do not get any booking confirmation email?
Information about Covid19 / Coronavirus
How and when do I know that my booking has been confirmed?
How can I cancel my booking?
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