Safety guidelines and emergency preparation for holiday rentals

Protect your property and your guests by following our recommendations

  • Comprehensive security, beyond aesthetics.
  • Precautionary measures that will maintain the security of the home.
  • Additional security measures.
  • Safe first steps for the arrival of guests.
  • Regulations and liability: What does the law say about safety in holiday rentals?
  • Holiday lettings accidents: How can they affect you and how to prevent them?
  • Other safety measures for owners.
Istruzioni di sicurezza e preparazione alle situazioni di emergenza per le case vacanze

December 2023

Safety is a key element when welcoming guests, and it can significantly determine the success of your business. When renting out your holiday property, consider that it will be visited by numerous travellers, increasing the possibility of unforeseen events that could affect safety during their holidays. In this article, we provide some suggestions and safety measures that not only offer greater peace of mind to your guests but also help prevent potential issues in the future.

Comprehensive safety beyond aesthetics

After spending time designing a spectacular interior to showcase your holiday home and capturing professional images, the process doesn’t end there. In addition to legal aspects, such as the holiday rental contract, there are essential practices that every owner should undertake to ensure the safety of both guests and the property.

Precautionary measures to maintain home safety

  • Establishing clear rules in your holiday rental is essential for safety. Cover aspects such as appliance use, smoking rules, or the closing of windows and doors. Having guests read and sign a contract reflecting these rules reinforces safety.
  • Maintain open communication with your guests during their vacation. Provide contact information and availability schedules to address any issues or questions they may have.
  • Despite precautions, having insurance is an additional layer of protection in case of incidents during the guests’ stay, maintaining security in the property.

Additional security measures

Having the following equipment provides extra precautionary measures that will help avoid inconveniences when renting out your holiday home.

  • Key Safe Box: Facilitates autonomous arrivals and avoids risks associated with traditional keys. In some areas, people prefer using smart check-in methods.
  • Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Installing and verifying the functionality of these devices is important to prevent accidents.
  • Alarm System and Surveillance Cameras: Increase security, but you should inform guests about the presence of cameras, making it clear which rooms they are in.
  • Fall Prevention: Secure stairs to maintain stability, ensure proper lighting, and take measures to prevent slips.
  • Secure Storage of Cleaning Products: To keep toxic products out of reach of children.

By following these measures, you not only protect yourself as a host but also contribute to creating a safe and enjoyable experience for those choosing your property for their holidays. Safety in holiday rentals is not an insurmountable challenge; it is a responsibility that, with the right measures, becomes an integral component of the guest experience.

Safe first steps for guest arrivals

The first safety guidelines begin with a warm welcome that includes essential information about emergency measures and the location of first aid kits.

First Aid Kits

The first aid kit in a holiday rental should be accessible in the bathroom or kitchen. It is essential to include this information in the guest guide and review and replenish the first aid kit before each booking. It is ideal to ensure access to basic medical assistance at any time, as guest safety is your priority, and you should support their confidence from the first moment.

In addition, in case of an emergency, calmness and preparation are key. Every holiday rental should have detailed and easy-to-understand evacuation plans.

Regulations and responsibility: what does the law say about safety in holiday rentals?

Although the administrative regulations on holiday rentals in Spain are strict, they do not detail the necessary safety elements according to each autonomous community. The responsibility lies with the host, who must follow safety guidelines and regulations, even if there are no specific penalties. It is crucial to understand the legal framework and, as an owner, take proactive measures to ensure the safety of your guests.

In Spain, regulations related to safety in holiday rentals are a fundamental aspect that owners must consider to ensure the protection of their guests and comply with current regulations. Some key points related to regulations and responsibility in this area are:

  • General Administrative Regulations: Administrative regulations in Spain are strict regarding holiday rentals. However, specific regulations may vary between autonomous communities.
  • Owner’s Responsibility: The responsibility for ensuring safety in a holiday rental lies with the owner or the person in charge of rental management.
  • Lack of Specific Details: Despite the rigour of the regulations, they do not explicitly detail the safety elements that must be present in each tourist property.


Although, as mentioned, there are no specific penalties for the absence of safety guidelines, it is recommended to follow general advice to ensure a safe environment.

  • Insurance and Assistance: Having robust home insurance that includes civil liability or all risks is highly recommended. Some holiday rental platforms also offer assistance in case of accidents or emergencies.
  • Inspections and Facility Review: As a host, you should conduct regular inspections to ensure that facilities, such as electrical systems, water heaters, and gas connections, comply with safety standards.

Accidents in holiday rentals: how can they affect you and how to prevent them?

Although accidents are not frequent, their legal impact can be significant for property owners. Having solid home insurance, civil liability, or all-risk coverage is essential, even if rental platforms offer assistance. Preventing accidents and being prepared for any eventuality is key to protecting your property and its guests.

  • Accidents can trigger legal actions by affected guests. This could result in lawsuits for personal injuries or property damage.
  • The accumulation of incidents can affect the owner’s reputation and property on rental platforms and online reviews, potentially deterring future guests.
  • In the case of property damage, the owner may face significant economic costs for repairs and replacements.

How to prevent accidents in holiday lettings?

The most popular and recommended preventive measures include:

  • Regular inspections.
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Fire extinguishers and first aid equipment.
  • Locks and security on doors and windows.
  • Transparent and efficient communication between guests and the owner.

Other security measures for owners

In addition to those mentioned above, consider these details that often go unnoticed but are equally crucial:

  • Emergency Contact: Provide emergency contact information in multiple languages in the guest guide. Include numbers for hospitals, police stations, embassies, and consulates.
  • Facility Review: Ensure that the property is in perfect condition, especially for guests with special needs. Conduct visual inspections in key areas such as the electrical panel, water heater, and gas connections.

Although the implementation of safety measures may involve an initial cost, it is an investment that will quickly pay off. Both guests and rental platforms value these precautions, improving your position in searches and ensuring that your visitors return to your property. Remember that safety in your holiday rental is not only a responsibility but also a smart strategy to build a solid reputation and attract more travellers.

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