B&Bs in Sheffield

B&Bs in Sheffield

7 properties for B&Bs. Compare and book at the best price!

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Information about b&bs in Sheffield

🏡 B&Bs available: 3 properties.
💳 Discount available: up to -53%.
🌙 Minimum price per night: from £36.
⭐ Most popular amenities: Wi-Fi, barbecue and garden.
🐾 Pet-friendly: 2 properties.
📶 For workation: 100% of the properties.

FAQs: B&Bs in Sheffield

Which facilities can you find at the B&Bs in Sheffield?

Among the amenities available on Holidu, it appears that the B&Bs in Sheffield offer everything that tourists dream of! Here, B&Bs generally are equipped with a variety of amenities, the most popular being: Wi-Fi (91%), garden (55%), and balcony (45%)... What are you waiting for?

What are the reviews like for the B&Bs in Sheffield?

Judging by data from last year, most B&Bs in Sheffield receive a score of fewer than 4.5 stars. It may therefore be a little more difficult for you to find well-rated accommodation.

Are the B&Bs in Sheffield suitable for holiday-makers and their pets?

The amount of b&bs in Sheffield that admit tourists accompanied by their pets, as well as those who do not, is quite similar. Based on this, it's better if you don't delay in making your reservation so you can be sure your pet can travel with you.

Do the B&Bs in Sheffield mostly have an internet connection?

Certainly! According to Holidu's data, 91% of B&Bs in Sheffield have an internet connection. You will be able to access your emails and favourite social media sites at any time!

How much does it cost for B&Bs in Sheffield?

Most of the B&Bs in Sheffield (91%) cost less than £100 a night. Therefore, this destination is perfect for booking a cheap B&B!

Do the B&Bs in Sheffield often come equipped with a swimming pool?

It's not common. According to the information collected last year, less than 10% of B&Bs in Sheffield have a swimming pool.

Are the B&Bs in Sheffield suitable for trips in big groups or better for a holiday as a small group?

Judging by information from Holidu, 55% of B&Bs accept up to four people. Sheffield is the perfect destination for taking your little family on holiday!

Are the B&Bs in Sheffield luxurious?

Sure! The B&Bs in Sheffield are ideal for spending a few days on holiday. However, if you are looking for unique holiday accommodation, we advise you not to wait too long to reserve, since the B&Bs here can fill up quickly. In Sheffield, 9% have a pool, 55% have a garden and 18% have a sauna. Also, if you are looking for a lot of space, 55% of the B&Bs can accommodate big groups, and 55% have green spots in the surrounding area.

Do the B&Bs in Sheffield offer outdoor space to enjoy?

45% of B&Bs have a balcony or terrace, and 32% have a view. However, this does not represent the majority of properties here, so availability can be limited. If this is important to you, you should start your holiday planning early. Also, don't forget to use the filters to be sure to find what you are looking for. However, 55% of B&Bs in Sheffield have gardens, where you can enjoy the outdoors.

When is the best time of the year to travel to Sheffield?

The characteristics of the accommodation in Sheffield demonstrate that it is a holiday destination that can adapt to all types of tourists and times of the year. This is because there are very varied options, with all the characteristics one can imagine. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy Sheffield when you feel like it.

Most popular amenities for B&Bs in Sheffield

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